FYI, having a little trouble with my blog today. I was working on changing my domain name yesterday and not sure what happened. Please check back soon!!!
(thanks Julie for letting me know!!!)
****Urgent …6pm update…can anyone help me? it appears that someone or something is moving my content around….. my pictures are gone and everything is moved and I’m not doing it….. any ideas? thanks!!
Midnight update….still not sure what is happening to my blog. I’m in the process of reloading all my photos so hopefully tomorrow, everything will be back to normal. Thanks for being so patient!!
Good night!
No problem, sweetie…’s either your best friend or worst enemy!!! I’ll keep checking back..cause I love ya 🙂
hey angie, i was one of the sad ones that could not see your blog this morning! still working on it? now all your pictures don’t come up! what am i going to do?
HUMMM I have no clue what is happening to ya.. Hang in there girlie .. maybe its just typepad ? You switched your domaine name again ? OH my goodness girlie 🙂 Love ya
hey angie, maybe dawn is right and it was just typepad’s problem.. it all looks great as usual now! take care and don’t do any extra work you don’t have to!!!
Looks fine now… looks GREAT! Love your blog header!! Patty
Your new banner rocks girl! Awesome!
I really like your blog header. I am sorry you are having to do so much work again on it. I hope it’s typepad and not someone hacking into your blog.
Love your new banner girlfriend !!! It’s so beautiful !!!! Well worth the wait 🙂
Happy New Years My Friend
I’m sorry about your blog trouble…but it’s looking good now!! I love your new banner, and the pretty Willow Tree angel!!
Happy New Year!!
Great new banner on your blog girlie … I will see you next year 🙂 Have a Happy new year girlie !!
Love ya