
Img_1595_2 Good morning!!

Today’s card is one of the cards that was in the booth that I worked on Friday.  A group of us worked different shifts and I took several pictures to share.  This is a set I keep resisting, but I still want to buy it!!

Not sure who made this card, but I really like it!

Have a great day!!

p.s. please tell me is my font to big now?  was it to small before?  with this 20" computer screen everything looks so small.

3pm update….I just created an album, named  it Old Settlers and uploaded several of the cards.  Check back in a couple days and I’ll have more.  I’ve figured out how to resize the cards but that’s about it.


11 thoughts on “Monday”

  1. Love that card! I just got that set, you MUST order it, or I can always stamp some images and send to you 😉
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the RAK!!! What a FANTASTIC mail day today!!!!
    I like your font like that too!

  2. I can hardly wait to see the “Old Settlers” project I have NO DOUBT that it will be amazing (just like you 🙂 No….your font is not too big(IMHO) I think it’s perfect !!

    Have a good one my friend


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