Thursday Post

Thursday_002 I’ll start this on a positive note…aren’t these cards soooo cute?  My friend Julie gave these to me.  I just love them !!!  Thanks again GF!!!

Now about my day, oh my gosh, it’s just been a bad day!!!  Won’t go into all the details but will share that I discovered this morning that my son had left the freezer open.  The big one in the basement, the one with all the beef, pizzas and seafood. It’s an upright, so as you can imagine, everything was thawed…talk about yuk!!!!!!! (If that’s the worst he’s gonna do in his teenage years I can handle it.  When I was a teen I burned our whole kitchen. I’m sure daddy doesn’t want that reminder, but you know accidents happen!!!!!)

Enough about that….

Yes……my Open House is still on for tomorrow and Saturday, as you can expect I’m running crazy pulling it all together.  For all the details please click on the link to the right (Upcoming Classes…Events).

Thanks for looking!!


5 thoughts on “Thursday Post”

  1. OH my your gift is soooo awesome ,. how cute are those card s girlie ..
    Was this the Great son from yesterday that made you lunch while we were chatting on the phone .. OH no Not Chase .. well your such a Great mom looking at the bright side of a yucky situation thats for sure..
    Dawn Griffith

  2. OH, you are so awesome! Imagine my surprise when I went to your blog and saw that you posted my cards! I’m so glad that you liked them and I owe you such a huge THANKS for your gift of friendship! You’re such a sweetheart. Have a great evening and best of luck for your cards classes. You’re a class act! Julie


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