Saturday Post

Open_house_006 Quick post tonight….wanted to show you the cute little Love Notes that I used at my Open House!  I had to order this set on my very first order and I just love it!!  What’s the set ???  Fun & Fast Notes…see it goes with Love Notes!!   Here’s a little tidbit of info for you……………

I put the words on the sides but one other thing I did was …On the porcupine or hedgehodge, not sure what he is, anyway the wording was "thanks for sharing you with me" I cut off the "you" and now mine is "thanks for sharing with me"  that’s a phrase I can use a lot!!!!  (I kept the word "you" but put in on the other end with the label.)

Thanks Tisha for telling me to share that info, I forget that some people don’t think to cut off words they won’t use.  (tomorrow I’m going to post my goodies you brought me:)))

(okay, ignore my wording, you know I’ve had an Open House for two days and I’m really tired so if I didn’t spell anything right or said something goofy, forgive me!!)  Have a Super Sunday…… I hope I get to sleep in!!!


6 thoughts on “Saturday Post”

  1. For those of you that didn’t go last week you can’t miss it this week!! Angie has the best displays and really shows you how to use those new sets!!!

  2. Such cute cards! Thanks for the tip on the wording for that set. Funny how it makes sense when someone else points it out and we think why didn’t I think of that!

  3. What a great idea for the wording. I may have to do that. I seperated the words in very puny and was glad I did. thanks for sharing. those make and takes are really cute!

  4. Hi….I have some guys in Iraq (nurses) who have a hedgehog for a pet over there ….I’m looking for some Hedgehog cards to send em. Interested?


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