
Wednesday_sharing_002 Okay, I know I’ve used this set alot but you know it won’t be available for much longer.   So, I decided to use it one more time!

I made this card today in honor of everyone’s kind words.  You all have posted such nice things all week, and without going into detail I needed it….So, thanks from the bottom of my heart!!!  I love reading them and have read them more than once!

Now after saying that I need a Favor (wink wink)……Seriously…..I need help with my daily posts.  I need a title that I can use everyday.  I read on someones blog that she has Monday Spotlight, Tuesday Spotlight…. and so on….I love that, but you know I need my own…..what do you think?  I tried Tuesday Sharing and now I think it sounds corny.   So, to tempt you to put on your thinking caps……whoever can come up with a name for my daily post….I’ll send you some goodies.  That idea just popped in my head….so I don’t have a picture yet…but give me some time.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!!


12 thoughts on “Thanks!!”

  1. Hu GF What I do sometimes it use the day of the week as my jumping board Like wonderful wednesday .. Or play the title into your post or vice a versa .. Cant wait to see what your other visitors post for thier ideas .. sould be fun!!
    P.S I like your titles as they are girlie .. No biggie

  2. Angie’s Antics. Or how about Monday Munchies; Tuesday Tidbits; etc…continue thru Sunday Sunshine (or Sonshine if you are a church goer)

  3. crafty-showcase? or card-case? I don’t know why the word “showcase” camed to me when I read the example of the “spotlight”. Probably has to do with english not being my first language ):

  4. I too love this set. Keep going back to it time and time again. Love the card, will case it. I think that your titles are fine as is. Don’t have to have a fancy title. Love the blog as is and check it daily. Thanks for sharing. Mary

  5. How about Monday’s Highlights, Tuesday’s Highlights…. etc. Because cardmaking is the highlight of your day and you are giving us the highlights of your cardmaking?
    Love your cards! They are always darling and inspiring!


  6. Another idea…. since you have used chic n scratch as your blog’s name and because chicken scratch is usually referring to bad handwriting, perhaps you can all each day’s post the Daily Scribble.



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