More Post it notes!!

Tuesday_sharing_002 I love post it note holders!!!!  And I was so happy to discover these last week on Pam's blog.  I couldn't wait to make one and when I did, I had to make three!  They are sooo easy and you can make one in a matter of minutes. 

Here's what you need:

Medium coasters, Clips, Designer paper and ribbon to match,  pencils are optional but give it a finished look.

All designer paper by Stampin' Up! and all ribbon was purchased at Michaels.  Clips and pencils found at Walmart!

Here's how to make them…….Cut your cardstock 4 x 4, attach to coaster, sand your edges well using the sanding block, attach post it note with clip and add your ribbon! 

See, easy as pie and they look sooo cute in person. 

You should give it a try! 

Have a great Tuesday and thanks for stopping by!!


21 thoughts on “More Post it notes!!”

  1. Love these!! I wish I had seen them about 3 weeks ago so I could have made them for teacher gifts! Oh well – I’ll just have to make them for me!!

  2. I am loving that idea!!! I’ll have to “borrow” it if that’s ok!!! I’m running out the door to Walmart right now!!!!
    Thanks for the instructions!

  3. I am loving that idea!!! I’ll have to “borrow” it if that’s ok!!! I’m running out the door to Walmart right now!!!!
    Thanks for the instructions!


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